Trinity Church is a Registered Charity No 1164151
During the latter half of the 1970's the relationship between North Finchley United Reformed Church (formerly North Finchley Congregational Church) and North Finchley Baptist Church went from strength to strength.
The birth of Trinity Church
In 1979 a joint meeting of the deacons of the Baptist Church and the elders of the United Reformed Church decided to recommend to the two churches that they should unite to form a single church. When this was put to the church members they warmly agreed and the two churches joined on 1st January 1980.
At first, the congregation decided to use the two buildings alternately, six months at a time. However, eventually it was decided that the Baptist church should be demolished and the URC church in Nether Street should be renovated and extended.
The renovations included removing the pews and installing an electronic organ and a baptistery, making the church accessible for wheelchair users and connecting the annex to the church with a useful link building called the Concourse, making it all more suitable for both church members and community groups to use.
An Ecumenical Adventure

The Church Covenant
In forming Trinity Church the members adopted a Church Covenant. The Church Covenant is renewed annually by the congregation in the first Communion service of the new year.
We, the members of Trinity Church, North Finchley,
believe in God the Father, the Eternal Creator,
in Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord,
and in the Holy Spirit,
who unites us in fellowship with Jesus and helps us to know him.
Therefore, we solemnly covenant with God and with each other,
relying on his help, to live every day according to Christ's teaching,
to share regularly in corporate worship and Holy Communion.
To support the work of the church at home and abroad
by our prayers, our service and our giving,
to care for other people
and to share our faith with them.
We therefore entrust our lives to God,
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
with whom all things are possible.
We glorify him for ever. Amen
Opening of Trinity Church 1983
Newly opened Concourse 1983